Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 30th, The First Dr. Appointment

Went to the doctor yesterday for the first time. She did  just about everything I expected. The breast exam and pap smear. The blood tests and the pee in a cup. The lab results came back and everything is normal. After feeling my uterus she says as an educated guess I'm between 10 and 12 weeks which is right where I should be :)  I have two more appointments set up. One for August 9th for a sonogram and one for August 14th just as a follow up and then my doctor visits will be monthly. I should get another sonogram around 19 weeks and that one will be telling us gender. I was also encouraged to know that this gagging should end soon. Around 14 weeks only another 2-4 weeks to go!
All this means is that I should not be gagging when I start teaching at the high school and we'll find out baby gender around mid-September. I know Grandma Robinson doesn't want to know what it's going to be. We do though!

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