Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 30th, The First Dr. Appointment

Went to the doctor yesterday for the first time. She did  just about everything I expected. The breast exam and pap smear. The blood tests and the pee in a cup. The lab results came back and everything is normal. After feeling my uterus she says as an educated guess I'm between 10 and 12 weeks which is right where I should be :)  I have two more appointments set up. One for August 9th for a sonogram and one for August 14th just as a follow up and then my doctor visits will be monthly. I should get another sonogram around 19 weeks and that one will be telling us gender. I was also encouraged to know that this gagging should end soon. Around 14 weeks only another 2-4 weeks to go!
All this means is that I should not be gagging when I start teaching at the high school and we'll find out baby gender around mid-September. I know Grandma Robinson doesn't want to know what it's going to be. We do though!

Finding Out

June 17th, 2012

I worked as a night audit at that time and I was two weeks late on my period. I stopped by Walmart on the way home from work and picked up some pregnancy tests. I came home and my husband was still dead asleep. I went to the bathroom and took the test. Almost immediately it turned positive. I couldn't believe it! I kept expecting a midget to jump out of my shower and say "Just kidding!" I took the test with me into the living room and waited the rest of the three minutes before walking into the bedroom to tell the husband. This particular date, was Father's day. I walked in and said very quietly "Happy Father's Day babe." He rolled over in his sleep and muttered something about it doesn't count since he's not a father. I look at the test and take a deep breath. "Well, according to this, you are a father." He spins around and sits bolt upright and grabs the test from my hands and looks at it. With a big grin.